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How to check online if your Iqama status is “Huroob”

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Huroob is sometimes happened when your sponsor or (khafeel) sets abscondment of your iqama status “Meaning that you ran away from your sponsor and your sponsor have no responsibilities on you, as your sponsor reported you to jawasat.

Some of the employer reasons of reporting you as Huroob are:

  1. You don’t pay to your sponsor on time on the agreed visa or etc.
  2. You don’t reported on your work and became (awol)
  3. You work to the other sponsor and hiding to your main sponsor.
  4. Your employer cannot reach you and cannot contact you, using all of his/her resources.

sometimes this is a tool “Blackmail” of your clever sponsor.

Below are the steps to check your status:

  1. Go to the Ministry of Labor website click >> Ministry of Labor
no result (for instance your in tourist visa and did not return to your homeland and etc.

2. If your status is okay or normal, your name, sponsor number and nitaqat status of your sponsor (white, green, red, golden or platinum).


3. If your status is Huroob, message will also appear. But in order to get 100% confirmation, you may visit any jawasat office.

Please note that ” Employee under Huroob status is treated as criminal and if found by police may be deported.

There are also steps to help you how to appeal and remove the Huroob status of your iqama.

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