Congratulations: Winwyn Marquez is Reina Hispanoamericana 2017

Congratulations! Winwyn Marquez is Reina Hispanoamericana 2017! She won the crown for the Philippines on our first try.

Reina Hispanoamericana 2017 es #Filipinas 
Vierrina Hispanoamericana #Curazao 

1ra Finalista #Brasil 
2da Finalista #Venezuela 
3ra Finalista #Mexico 
4ta Finalista #Bolivia 

5ta Finalista #Cuba
6ta Finalista #Paraguay 
7ma Finalista #Chile
8va Finalista #Peru 

– “Language can be learned, but the will and determination to contribute something to the organization cannot. It has to come from the heart and it has to be natural. I believe that kindness is a universal language. If you treat people with tolerance, patience, and love, you will understand each other.”
– Winwyn Marquez #MsPhilippines

Judging from her brillant answer during the Q&A, Winwyn was regal and very much ready to rule, which the judges clearly saw.

Bolivia is 4th runner up, Mexico is 3rd, Venezuela 2nd, and Brazil is 1st runner up.


Reina Hispanoamericana 2017Winwyn MarquezWinwyn Marquez is Reina Hispanoamericana 2017
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